Year: 2024

  • IDAHOT & PAARS campaign in high school

    City of Leuven enters into a partnership with PAARS vzw to involve all secondary schools in the PAARS campaign as part of IDAHOT. The PAARS package includes ready-to-use teaching and […]


  • Training on gender and sexual diversity

    The city of Leuven will organize a training on gender and sexual diversity for employees 4 times a year to raise more awareness, empathy and knowledge for the topic. City […]


  • Coming Out Day – LGBTI+ elders

    City of Leuven is celebrating Coming Out Day this year on Friday, October 11, with Seniors at the Movies at Kinepolis. This year we focus on LGBTI+ seniors and to […]


  • New LGBTIQ+ Action Plan in Berlin

    On 19th of December 2023, the Senate of Berlin adopted the new LGBTIQ+ Action Plan. With this third updated and expanded edition of the LGBTIQ+ Action Plan, the Senate is […]


  • Strategy for Queer Security and Against Queerphobia

    In a two-year participatory process with civil society organisations, senate administrations, security authorities and districts, the state of Berlin is developing a ‘State Strategy for Queer Security and Against Queerphobia’. […]


  • training on gender – sensitive care

    In 2023, we designed a training program to address the unique healthcare needs of LGBTQI+ individuals. We successfully delivered this training to frontline workers in early 2024, equipping them with […]


  • First Bi+ project in Berlin

    Since 2024, Berlin has been funding the first Bi+ project in Berlin and in Germany. The “Bi+ Centre” run by the organisation Bi Berlin e.V. is intended to establish a […]


  • Bystander intervention training

    Since the beginning of 2023, over 600 people in Bruges have received bystander intervention training. In these trainings, participants acquire the skills to respond to inappropriate behavior or discrimination. They […]


  • #EsRacismo Campaign

    On March 25 of this year, the Copred, UNESCO Mexico, the Direction of Sexual Diversity and Human Rights of the Mexico City, and the local organization Racismo MX, planned, designed […]


  • A specific program for trans, non-binary and intersex people

    As more and more individuals, particularly among youth, dare to reveal themselves as trans, non-binary or intersex, the need for specific support for these persons is increasing, as well as […]
