Good practices

Find LGBTIQ+ good practices of our member cities here


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Rethinking LGBT+ as part of the Gender Equality Policy

In 2023, the LGBT+ area became part of the City of Copenhagen’s Gender Equality Policy, rather than being a separate policy. The goal is to unify the gender equality areas […]

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Learning from an expired LGBTI+ Policy

The City of Copenhagen’s LGBTI+ policy (2019-2023) consisted of 54 initiatives across all of the administrations. A final evaluation was conducted by the Gender Equality Unit based on input from […]

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Report of Actions of the Government of Mexico City – LGBTTTTI+ Friendly City – Action Report 2023 (published in 2024)

The Council to Prevent and Eliminate of Mexico City (Copred, by its acronym in Spanish) published in 2024 the annual report of acts, policies, programs, and campaigns that Mexico City’s […]

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Master class of diversity and inclusion in the workplace for trans people

As part of the strategic axes of work of the Council with different sectors of society in the promotion of a culture of equality, non-discrimination and human rights, and based […]

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Leuven Pride & LGBTI+ monument

City of Leuven supports Queer Leuven and Rainbow House UniQue to organize the first edition of Leuven Pride on October 10 ’24. Their will also be the inauguration of an […]

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Renewed partnership with Helsinki Pride and new Pride initiatives

The City of Helsinki renewed its commitment as a main partner of Helsinki Pride for the years 2024-2026. The City has been a main partner since 2000. This year, the […]

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Educational materials pack supports teachers in discussing LGBTIQ topics

In 2023, workshops on diversity of gender and sexual orientation were organized in all schools of Helsinki in grades 6-9. The goal of the workshops was to enable a better […]

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City of Helsinki Sports Services and Youth Services join forces to provide LGBTIQ-friendly sports opportunities

City of Helsinki Sports Services and Youth Services have joined forces to provide LGBTIQ-friendly sports groups and opportunities for young people belonging to LGBTIQ minorities as they may face physical […]

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Online Toolbox ‘Leuven cares’

The City of Leuven is launching the online toolbox ‘Leuven cares’. This is a practical tool for bar owners and event organizers to prevent and tackle transgressive behavior in nightlife. […]

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Game ‘Got Your Back’

City of Leuven has developed the Got Your Back game in collaboration with De Aanstokerij: This game allows you to playfully experience how it feels to experience discrimination and wants […]

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