Good practices

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The celebration of IDAHOT on May 17th

On the occasion of the International day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, the city of Paris hosted the 7th edition of the International Prize for LGBTQI+ rights. This year, the […]

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Ageing under the rainbow – Project for queer-sensitive open work with senior citizens

“Älterwerden unterm Regenbogen” (Ageing under the Rainbow) is a pilot project from Hamburg dedicated to making open senior citizen work more inclusive for queer individuals. The project collaborates with both […]

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The WELCOMING OUT initiative was launched in June 2022 in Hamburg to support fear-free coming out for queer individuals by making acceptance and openness visible in society. The initiative emerged […]

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Guideline Development Process for Gender-Reflective Youth Services

The participation, acceptance, and self-realization of girls*, boys*, and queer young people—both with and without disabilities—remain unequal. Gender-reflective work in youth welfare must critically examine gender-specific roles and expectations. To […]

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Findbüro – Database for gender & diversity research

The Findbüro is a Hamburg-based database that connects academics researching gender, queer studies, diversity, and intersectionality at local universities. It brings together various approaches in gender and diversity studies, fostering […]

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OHNe Hass – Online portal for reporting hate and hate speech on the internet

The “OHNe Hass” portal enables the public to report online offenses such as insults, threats, and incitement to hatred directly to the Hamburg public prosecutor’s office with ease. No registration […]

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Over 100 Rainbow Certified Workplaces within Reykjavík City!

Reykjavík’s Rainbow Certification program continues to be very popular and there is now a waiting list to start the process to become Rainbow Certified. The program was originally launched in […]

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Continued Collaboration with Queer NGO‘s

In July 2024 Reykjavík’s Mayor signed into effect a new contract with Samtökin ´78 – the National Queer Association of Iceland. The contract guarantees every 6th and 9th grade in […]

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Queer Twin City Programm

Since 2022, we have been inviting queer activists from our partner cities to nuremberg every year for an exchange. The focus is on networking and support. In addition to discussions […]

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Rainbow House Nuremberg

There are several queer initiatives and associations in Nuremberg, only two have their own premises, the majority have to organize themselves elsewhere. We have taken this as an opportunity to […]

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