Good practices

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Milestone for Sexual Health and Prevention – Mannheim becomes Fast-Track City

By deciding to become a Fast-Track City, Mannheim is sending out a strong signal in the fight against and destigmatization of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STI). Mannheim is […]

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Gender-Sensitive Communication Training for City Employees

Since 2024 the city of Oostende organizes training sessions on gender-sensitive communication for people who work for the city. These sessions aim to make employees aware of the pitfalls of […]

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Mid-term report of the anti-discrimination plan

In 2022, the Bordeaux City Council adopted its new anti-discrimination plan 2022-2026. A mid-term report for 2022-2023 was drawn up and presented to the City Council in October 2024. This […]

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Masterclass against discrimination

For the first time, the Equality Mission of the City of Bordeaux organized, in partnership with UNESCO and the French-speaking EGIDES network, a masterclass dedicated to the fight against racism […]

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Hosting the Rainbow Festival

Every year in May, the Rainbow Festival Oostende takes place, organized by vzw Rainbow Festival Organisation with the support of the city of Oostende. The festival aims to celebrate the […]

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Gender-neutral toilets and changing rooms

Bergen municipality works to ensure that the toilets and changing rooms in municipal buildings are, to the greatest extent possible, gender neutral. City profile: Bergen

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Competence center for gender and sexuality

Bergen municipality will increase expertise on gender and sexuality at the Health Centre for youth and students. Funding is provided to train two health nurses in the field of sexology. […]

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New action plan for sexual gender diversity

Bergen1. New action plan for sexual gender diversityThe City of Bergen has approved the fourth plan forsexual and gender diversity. The first plan wasapproved by the city council in 2007 […]

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