The steering group of the Municipal Prevention Council of the City of Mainz has set up a working group on the topic of hate crime against LGBTIQ people and women.
Four meetings have now been held on the following topics:
– Police report on hate crime against queer people
– Violence at CSD and information for visitors on where they can go directly and locally if they experience violence
– Setting up a page on violence prevention on the city’s website
– Cooperation with the City of Mainz’s child and youth protection services (see also the commissioned image in the appendix)
– Invitation of a representative from Mainz Mobility on the topic of violence prevention on public transport
– Discussions with the boys’ and girls’ working group and school social work.
The planning of measures is a central task of the working group in 2024. There is an initial collection of ideas for possible projects and measures: De-escalation workshops, research into the causes of “toxic masculinity”, addressing the topic of “catcalling”, training for employees of security services.

City Profile: Mainz
