In a two-year participatory process with civil society organisations, senate administrations, security authorities and districts, the state of Berlin is developing a ‘State Strategy for Queer Security and Against Queerphobia’. The overarching goal of the state strategy is to continue, deepen and intensify the debate on LGBTIQ+ hostility and queer hostility and to strengthen and improve the safety of LGBTIQ+ people and queer communities from hate crime, prejudice-motivated violence and discrimination in Berlin as part of strategic planning. It will identify key fields of action in which needs will be identified and measures defined. In addition, cross-cutting issues such as intersectionality, empowerment and a city-wide perspective are defined, which structure the overall direction of the strategy. Another central element is a round table, which serves as a steering committee and is chaired by the Berlin Commissioner for Queer Issues, Alfonso Pantisano.

City Profile: Berlin
