Queer people were murdered during the Nazi regime and Karl Alberti from Frankfurt was one of them. In 2019 a ‘Stolperstein’ was laid for him. Scattered throughout Europe, these small brass stones are embedded directly on the pavement, amongst the cobbestones. The brass plaques commemorate the lives that were lost, in cities whose past is not forgotten. The Coordination Unit for LGBTIQ took over the sponsorship. Over 2000 ‘Stolpersteine‘ have been laid in town (12 commemorate the fates of gay men). Every year on Jan 27th, the victims are commemorated worldwide. Those people who were targeted because of their sexual orientation or gender identity were not part of the culture of remembrance for a long time. This day is used to draw attention to the fates of queer people between 1933-1945, e.g. through public relations work, and thus further initiate the reappraisal of historical injustice.

City Profile: Frankfurt
