On February 13, 2019, the Mainz City Council unanimously decided to create a place of remembrance for people who were persecuted in Mainz during the National Socialist era and in the post-war period because of their gender identity or sexual orientation. Due to the court conviction of the male victims of § 175 StGB and the fact that lesbian women and transgender people were also sent to concentration and extermination camps in individual cases, a new stele as part of the “Historical Mainz” series now invites people to commemorate all of the aforementioned victim groups. At the same time, it refers to the retention of Section 175 of the German Criminal Code in the post-war period. The House of Remembrance – for Democracy and Acceptance in Mainz recently commissioned a research report on the persecution of LGBTIQ people during the Nazi dictatorship in consultation with the LGBTIQ Coordination Office of the City of Mainz. As soon as this is published, there will probably be enough material available to create and publish a leaflet about the memorial stele.

City Profile: Mainz
