In 2022, the Bordeaux City Council adopted its new anti-discrimination plan 2022-2026. A mid-term report for 2022-2023 was drawn up and presented to the City Council in October 2024. This review shows that a number of objectives have been achieved, including those concerning the fight against LGBTQI discrimination:
– All districts of Bordeaux have one or more LGBTQI pedestrian crossings
– The partnership work carried out with LGBTQI associations has continued, thanks to thematic committees that which meet several times a year, in the presence of the relevant elected representatives
– The implementation of e-learning for agents will continue with awareness-raising among elected representatives of the majority in the second half of 2024.
– The City is involved in international LGBTQI networks such as the RCN and Egides
– Actions to promote more inclusive public policies are being pursued withing culture, sport, education, international relations, health, etc.

City Profile: Bordeaux
