Our LGBTIQ* employees network has grown and now consists of more than 350 colleagues. For the first time we participated with a truck (together with the human resources department) in the Pride parade. We also had a walking group as well as a booth in cooperation with the human resources department and recruitment services next to various other municipal services in the info area of the street fair. The preparations for Pride including designing a new logo as well as t-shirts, staffing the truck and the booth all helped employees to get to know each other better and to deliver a strong political message “United in diversity – for freedom and democracy”.
We also had our third big meeting of the employees network hosted by colleagues from the Department of Education in a school hall as well as several smaller events, field trips and cultural activities.
All this benefits and strengthens our LGBTIQ* employees as well as the City of Munich as an attractive employer with a strong commitment to diversity and LGBTIQ* rights and representation.

City Profile: Munich