Cork City’s LGBTI+ InterAgency Group was called into being from a line in a policy document in 2002, since then the InterAgency group has endeavoured to ensure that LGBTI+ Issues are included in each of the City’s planning, policy and strategic documents.
Cork City Council launched its Local and Economic Development Plan 2024 – 2029 : for all of us on the LGBTI+ InterAgency Steering Group its really heartening to see how Rainbow Cities membership is highlighted within this 5 Year plan and this designation is valued by both elected councillors and city council officials. Cork is still the only Irish City affiliated to the Rainbow Cities Network but there is a strong commitment in this plan , to working with other cities across our shared island to ensure that we’ll soon be joined by many other cities.
Director of Community, Culture and Placemaking, Rebecca Loughry, speaks about the importance of LGBTI+ Inclusion at the launch of the new Cork City Local Economic and Community Plan 2024-2029.

City Profile: Cork
