The city of Giessen has taken the two events: “Diversity Days” and “Pride Month”, May and June, as an opportunity to show with various activities how diversity enriches our university city of Giessen. Giessen is particularly admired by new Giessen residents and visitors for its great diversity, internationality and peaceful coexistence. Giessen’s comparatively young population with people from almost all nationalities, languages and cultures makes our city extraordinarily interesting and worth living and loving.
Encouraged by the great response to the various activities that were implemented for the first time in 2023, there were once again numerous offers this year:
There were several queer films in the “Cine Divers” series at Kinopolis Gießen. There were also various readings and hand-picked queer literature in the city library. Interested parties were able to approach the topic of diversity artistically in open art workshops, and refugees reported on queer communities, for example in Taiwan.

City Profile: Gießen
