In July 2024 Reykjavík’s Mayor signed into effect a new contract with Samtökin ´78 – the National Queer Association of Iceland. The contract guarantees every 6th and 9th grade in the city an education on queer topics and LGBTQIA+ sensitivity training from specially trained facilitators in Samtökin ´78. Teachers can also attend educational trainings from Samtökin’s facilitators and that are designed for teachers and other staff and are more in depth on how to support queer kids in schools and combat discrimination against them. The contract also includes education on queer topics for staff and trainers at sports teams in Reykjavík as well as funding for Samtökin ´78 counselling services that are freely available to members of the queer community. Reykjavík has had a contract with Samtökin ´78 since 2005, the first municipality in Iceland to have such a contract.

City Profile: Reykjavík
