equal‧brussels runs a pilot project in collaboration with
RainbowHouse and safe‧brussels, based on the results of the 2019 Crime Survey as well as the FRA Surveys. The Crime Survey revealed a variety of reasons why people never file complaints about hate speech, hate crimes and discrimination with the police. The stories of street harassment and aggression reverberate in the different scenes and communities, however without being officially registered. To gain more insight in what is happening, we launched a pilot project where people can tell their story and have it registered with the local umbrella organisation, RainbowHouse. After which they are referred to the police, social services and equality bodies. The second report with the analysis of 217 cases is about to be published. This clearly shows the need for ongoing community reporting. The next step will be to inspire and help other European cities to start up similar projects, as underreporting is happening everywhere, regardless of the legal protection of LGBTQIA+-people.

City Policy: Brussels Capital Region
