66 children’s books for diversity

People come in a wide variety of body shapes and skin colors, with and without disabilities. They are of different genders and express their gender in a variety of ways. Families are also currently taking on a variety of possible forms: In addition to the “traditional” (biological) father-(biological) mother-child constellation, there are also patchwork families, single parents with one or more children or children with two fathers or two mothers .
Even the littlest ones experience all of this in their environment. It is therefore not surprising that many children’s books today want to counter the traditional gray stereotypes by depicting and telling stories about our colorful reality. This way, all children can recognize themselves and their families in a positive way. They learn to understand differences in a playful way – and above all the message: We are (fortunately!) not all the same, but we are all equally valuable.

Nine of the 66 books were handed over to 46 municipal kindergartens along with the list.

City Profile: Hanover
