
In 2017, Roeselare signed a rainbow charter with a commitment to implement a comprehensive local LGBTQIA+-policy. In recent years, Roeselare mainly focused on awareness-raising actions, mainly in the context of IDAHOT.
In 2021, the city called on all community members, their friends and family to join the rainbow network. This network is supported by various welfare partners and professionals and aims to draft, further de-velop and provide feedback on the Rainbow Action Plan.
This Rainbow Action Plan is a multi-year plan through which we identify the greatest needs of the LGBTQIA+ community. In 2022, the focus is on safe spaces and accessible meeting points. The rain-bow café took shape and is organised monthly.
In 2023, we focus on safety. An action plan will be developed in cooperation with the police and inte-grated within the action plan “Samenleven” of Belgian minister Bart Somers. In light of this we will carry out actions around street harassment and organize bystander trainings.
In 2024, we will work closely with schools and aim for a broader LGBTQIA+ acceptance within educa-tion. To capture the needs and requirements of students, teachers and schools, we have organised information moments and dialogue tables.
The aim of our LGBTQIA+ policy is to ensure that all members of the community feel welcomed and understood in the City of Roeselare and by local authorities.
In 2017 Roeselare signed a rainbow charter with a commitment to the following six goals:
- Make citizens more aware and inform them
- Gather knowledge and expertise
- Support and strengthen LGBTQIA+-people and associations in the city
- In-crease equal opportunities and safety in the city
- Pay attention to LGBTQIA+ in our services and our communication
- Strive for an open and diverse city.
For how long has there been a specific LGBT emancipation policy?
Since 2017.
Key focus areas (short term (1 Year) and long term (4 years))
Short term:
- Yearly awareness campaign in May
- Development and implementation of a comprehensive rainbow action plan together with citi-zens, LGBTQIA+-organisations and other interested partners
- Organizing accessible meeting moments, focusing on social contacts, networking, and safe spaces
Long term:
- Further implementation and development of the Rainbow Action Plan, including cooperation from police and educational institutions.
Municipal sectors/services involved
Dienst Samenleven, Stad Roeselare
Beleidsontwikkeling Mens, Stad Roeselare

Collaboration with advocacy / interest groups, NGO´s, healthcare
- Tejo
- And other local welfare services with regard to well-being, housing, youth work, culture, sports, health care facilities
Other collaboration partners
- Arhus
- Unia
- Jeugdraad Roeselare
- Politie Riho
- West-Vlaams Regenbooghuis
- Cavaria