
Description of the City

2,3 millions inhabitants (intra muros) for only 105km2: a very dense city with a typical character (food, fashion, architecture…). Huge cultural venues (monuments, museums, concerts, shows…) all year, many LGBT offers. About 12% of marriages are LGBT now. Tourism world champ – even in trouble times all over Europe. 


  • Respect, dignity, visibility, equality & safety for LGBT people, in all spheres of life. 
  • Fighting homophobic crime & discriminations in all areas of social life. 
  • Promoting acceptance within Paris administration and society. 
  • Development of the Paris action Plan against discriminations including explicitly LGBTphobia. 

Collaboration partners

Centre LGBT, Inter-LGBT (pride organizer), SOS Homophobie (anti-violence hotline, school interventions, annual report…) + MAG-Jeunes (youth) +APGL, Enfants Arc-en-Ciel, Contact (families)  +Trans: Acthé, Accepté-e-s… + ARDHIS (Migrants) + Culture: Festival de cinéma Chéries-Chéris, Cineffable, Jerk off  + Sports: FSGL + Gay Games Paris 2018 + Deportation & History: Mémorial de la Déportation Homosexuelle + Les Oublié-e-s de la Mémoire, ARCL (lesbian archives)  + employees: Homoboulot, L’Autre Cercle + Health/ Aids: AIDES, Sida Info Service, Act Up, groupe SOS.