
Description of the city
Population: 1.561.720 inhabitants
The City of Munich combats every form of marginalization, discrimination, and violence.
Munich is committed to an understanding of what it means to be a human being based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Charter of Fundamental Rights.
To secure social peace and cosmopolitanism, a differentiated structure of units for anti-discrimination and equality work has been established in the City of Munich. These units work on achieving more and more participation and equal opportunities for all people living in Munich.
In so doing, the City of Munich not only fulfills her social and socio-political duties as a municipality, but also the city council and city administration are convinced that it is the most important municipal task to enable justice and social peace. Because only then every citizen has the possibility to realize their potential for the good of all and to reach social advances together for all people.
The city council of the City of Munich has described the work of the antidiscrimination and equality units in a resolution in 2012 and thus put it on a common basis. In the resolution, also the legal and social science framework conditions of this work are described.
The particular interests of lgbtiq* citizens are represented by a special unit. For equality of lgbtiq* people in Munich, the City provides appropriate measures.

Focus areas
- Counseling of Lord mayor, city council and units
- Specialist statements, counseling, proposal bills, complaint management for government issues
- Round table for lgbtiq* issues with representatives of policy, government, and community
- Regulation and controlling of lgbtiq* policies as a cross-section issue
- Support of city units with lgbtiq* projects with different units, counseling, committee work
- Promoting social acceptance
- Public relations, information, education, counseling, projects
- Support for the lgbtiq* community
- Temporary special focus in lgbtiq* policies
- Administration and developing of the communal lgbtiq* foundation “Münchner Regenbogenstiftung”
Publications and other materials
We provide a lot of information and materials on our website: