Mexico City

The government of Mexico City, through its Council to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination, works for the right to equality and non-discrimination of all people living in or passing through Mexico City, particularly the population groups who are potentially vulnerable towards becoming victims of discrimination; being the LGBTTTI population, one of them.
COPRED provides legal attention and orientation for those who have suffered discrimination and conducts inclusion and affirmative actions throughout workshops to promote a culture of equal treatment towards the public administration and the private sector. We also ensure the compliance of the Law for the Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination of Mexico City, analyze and propose amendments to the legal framework of the City and elaborate general guidelines for public policies in favor of a culture of equality.
To generate a cultural change that allows every person and specific groups of people, the equal access of their rights and freedoms without any discrimination.
For how long has there been a specific LGBTTTI emancipation policy?
Since 2003

Key focus areas
(short term and long term)
2019 – 2020
- Actions against discrimination. The Council provides attention and orientation to people who report an action of discrimination by a person, private institution, public entity or public servant with the objective of repairing the damage caused to the victim, stablishing non-repetition measures, and changing the culture to promote equal treatment.
- Actions to prevent discrimination. Promote human rights, equal treatment and non-discrimination in Mexico City by developing research, education, and training through workshops. Example of these actions are the education processes (training, sensitivity, and professionalization) for the public and private sector.
- Red Ciudadana por la Igualdad y No Discriminación of COPRED 2020 (REDCii). The Citizen Network for Equality and Non-Discrimination is a strategy of the COPRED, made up of citizens, whose purpose is to promote the right of non-discrimination and equal treatment among the population that lives and transits in Mexico City.
- Proudly LGBTTTIQ+ campaign (2019). Campaign to promote and spread the LGBTTTIQ+ rights.
- History of the LGBT movement- TV program (2019). Through the television program “Ciudad Abierta” (Open City in English), broadcast on channel 21.2 of Mexico City’s Congress, COPRED broadcast various topics to make visible the phenomenon of discrimination towards the different populations of the country’s capital through an entertaining format of interviews, capsules and topics of interest to all people. One of these programs is about the History of the LGBTI movement.
- Action Report 2019 – LGBTTTI friendly city (published in 2020). COPRED published in 2020 the annual report of actions, policies, programs and campaigns that Mexico City’s government entities carried out to guarantee the LGBTI rights during 2019 as a friendly city with the LGBTTTI people.
- Local Congress banned LGBTI conversion therapies in Mexico City (2020). With 49 votes in favor, 9 against, and 5 abstentions, Mexico City’s Congress approved a reform to the local Penal Code to ban and typify practices that modify sexual orientation and gender identity. This action guarantees the rights of every human being according to Mexico City’s Political Constitution which stipulates LGBTI as a priority attention group.
- LGBT monograph (2020). Informative document where you can consult the antecedents, definitions and social dynamics of LGBTTTI people in Mexico City. Also, it shows some statistical data on the situation of LGBTI discrimination and its consequences and the legal framework for the protection of LGBTTTI rights at the local, national and international levels.
- LGBT people and COVID-19 infographic (2020). The COPRED along with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the Yaaj civil society organization drafted an infographic of the LGBT people and COVID-19.
- Online meetings of the Latin American Rainbow Cities Network (RLCA by its acronym in Spanish) (2020- in progress). Derived of COVID-19 pandemic, the RLCA cities have worked in a regional report of the policies and actions to assist LGBT community during the pandemic.
- Efforts to prevent discrimination acts in the context of the COVID-19 (2020-in progress)
- Attention to discrimination complaints
- “Don’t discriminate, ask and help” campaign
- COPRED’s pronouncements focused on the differentiated impacts in priority attention groups, especially in LGBT population.
- Talk series “Differentiated impacts in the face of COVID-19 to LGBTI community: dialogues with CSOs”(2020). As a result, the COPRED published a report with proposals to face the social crisis of the COVID-19 with non-discrimination perspective.
Municipal sectors/services involved
The LGBTI agenda that we manage involves all sectors of Mexican City’s Public Administration.
Collaboration with social and/or health-care and welfare organizations
LGBTI organizations
Other collaboration partners
Collaboration at the local, national and regional level with public entities
Which parties will implement the policy?
The government of Mexico City, through the Council to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination
Contact person at the municipality
Adriana Aguilera Marquina, Technical Secretariat at COPRED (