
In order to defend the rights of LGBTQIA+ people, the City has been working with its partners to develop a plan to prevent and fight against LGBTphobias, which is one of the priorities of the anti-discrimination delegation for this new term.
This plan is divided into three areas: awareness-raising, support and exemplarity.
The implementation of this plan relies on the transversality between the public policies carried out by the City of Lille as well as the dynamism of the community network of Lille and its associated municipalities.
Our city wants to be egalitarian and inclusive, so that each inhabitant of Lille, Lomme and Hellemmes (associated municipalities) finds his or her place and exercises his or her rights. However, the health crisis that we are going through increases the isolation of many people who find themselves in a fragile situation (discrimination in employment, housing, access to health care…). The LGBTQIA+ associations attest to this by the large increase of the calls they receive.
The city of Lille has been leading a policy of fight against LGBTQIA+ discrimination for more than 20 years through the organization of events, the support to LGBT associations of the city…
Main areas of intervention (short term (1 year) and long term (4 years))
Short-term actions are planned such as artistic interventions in the public space, communication actions around the city’s action plan as well as the implementation of “safe places” in the city to respond to insecurity in the street. In the longer term, awareness-raising activities for young people are planned, as well as training for municipal officers.
Municipal sectors/departments involved
The following departments are concerned by the implementation of this policy:
- Combating discrimination
- Local security and crime prevention council
- Housing and emergency accommodation
- Sport
- City policy
- Nightlife
- Education
- Culture and tourism
- Reading and public libraries

Collaboration with advocacy/interest groups, NGOs, health care
Several associations are involved in the implementation of this action plan: Fiertés Lille Pride, En-Trans,
SOS Homophobie, ” J’en suis, j’y reste “, Le Refuge, Eole, Trans santé, Les Flamands roses, Iris
Formation, IÉSEGALITÉ, la Maison dispersée de santé.
Other collaborative partners
Managers of LGBTQIA+ bars in the city, involved citizens.
The Lille Youth Council, Atelier Canopé 59 (Canopé network), the University of Lille.
Which section of the administration will implement the policy?
This policy will be implemented by the anti-discrimination department.