
In 2017, Kortrijk signed a rainbow charter with a commitment to implement a comprehensive local LGBTQIA+-policy. In the past years, Kortrijk mainly focused on raising awareness by yearly campaigns against discrimination, raising rainbow flags around the city for pride month and mentioning places where citizens can go to meet new people or find help on its website.
We also support an awareness campaign in local high schools to raise visibility and spread information on the topic so teachers can incorporate these in their classes. Since 2019, Kortrijk has a citywide rainbow network with staff members from different municipal departments and external partners who advise and develop local actions.
We are a member of our provincial rainbow network and regional network for equal opportunities to exchange information and cooperate with other local cities. We launch a call on citizens, LGBTQIA+-organisations and interested partners to work together on our rainbow action plan. Everyone can give input and discuss what should be the content and priorities of our policy on LGBTQIA+-matters. We have new focus areas every two years.
Kortrijk wants to eradicate prejudice and discrimination against LGBTQIA+-people. We want to give all citizens a place in the city and enhance their rights and needs. In 2017 Kortrijk signed a rainbow charter with a commitment to the following six goals: make citizens more aware and inform them; gather knowledge and expertise; support and strengthen LGBTQIA+-people and associations in the city; in-crease equal opportunities and safety in the city; pay attention to LGBTQIA+ in our services and our communication; strive for an open and diverse city.
Focus Areas
Short term:
Yearly awareness campaign in May, working with high schools to incorporate the subject into the curriculum, development and implementation of a comprehensive rainbow action plan together with citizens, LGBTQIA+-organisations and other interested partners.
Long term:
Implementation of our rainbow action plan, including cooperation with different municipal departments such as housing and the leisure sector. We have new focus areas every two years.

Collaboration partners
Local Welfare Services with regard to well-being, housing, youth work, culture, sports, health care facilities, Police Vlas, primary and secondary schools, public library.
West-Vlaams Regenbooghuis, Cavaria, Unia
Universities, Flemish government