
Diversity, open-mindedness, and acceptance. This is what Hamburg stands for! As a forward-looking city in which all people can live freely and self-determined, we aim to actively foster equal opportunities and acceptance for all of our citizens. Therefore, we resolutely oppose discrimination of any kind.
Our objective: Every person in Hamburg should have equal opportunities to accomplish their goals and shape society, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation.
In times of increasing discrimination against queer people, Hamburg intensifies its joint efforts and supports measures for the acceptance of sexual and gender diversity even more concisely than in previous years.
This is reflected 2023’s action plan “Hamburg li(e)bt vielfältig” (Hamburg lives/loves diversely), whose focus is an intersectional perspective on queer realities. 150 measures across all areas of life promote the visibility of the LGBTIQ* community. Additionally, Hamburg commits itself to achieve legal equality, equal participation and empowerment of queer people.
Focus areas and projects (selection)
Promoting, supporting and funding LGBTIQ* projects with an intersectional concept as well as improving the visibility of queer lifestyles in established structures are integral components of our work. Projects include, but are not limited to:
- “Refugee Sisters”: point of contact, counseling and empowerment of queer refugee women as well as trans* and inter* refugees
- “Älter werden unterm Regenbogen” (Ageing under the rainbow): project for the enhancement of queer-sensitive elderly work in senior gatherings
- “WELCOMING OUT”: initiative to promote allyship and raise awareness about the challenging coming out process for queer people
- “UEFA EURO 2024”: Corresponding with the UEFA EURO 2024 sustainability concept, measures are implemented to increase queer visibility and raise awareness for topics around LGBTIQ* and sports.
- “Antidiscrimination counseling: read”: personal counseling and support in cases of discrimination as well as legal counseling regarding the General Act on Equal Treatment for queer people
Collaboration partners (selection)
- Intervention e.V.
- Magnus Hirschfeld Centrum e.V.
- Basis & Woge e.V.
- LSVD Hamburg e.V.
- Aidshilfe Hamburg e.V.
- Member of the Round Table “LSBTI* und Flucht” (LGBTI* and forced migration) and the Round Table “Transgender Norddeutschland” (Transgender Northern Germany)
- Commission LGBTI in sports
- National network of LGBTIQ* representatives (city network)
- National action plan “Queer Leben” (Living Queer)
Please feel free to contact the Equality Authority Hamburg for additional information: