
The City of Genk is a local government, a public administration, and pursues a policy in which the added value of diversity among the population is the common thread.
With a population of which 56.4% has a migration background, Genk is a very diverse city. The board chooses explicitly to support the pursuit of a diversity and equal opportunities policy. In its current policy plan “together Genk” you can read: “We have the ambition to grow further into a cosmopolitan city where everyone, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, identity or sexual orientation, feels at home and participates in Genk”.
Since 2013, the city of Genk has been pursuing a LGBT policy. Together with Genk LGBTs, a plan was developed that contributes to the LGBT-friendly character of our city and society, and aims to get rid of the taboo about sexual diversity among certain groups.
You can group these into 3 main objectives, namely
- Information, raising awareness and communication
- Network and interaction with the LGBT community
- Working on the image of Genk as a gay and transgender-friendly city
For how long has there been a specific LGBT emancipation policy?
The city of Genk has been pursuing an equal opportunities policy with themes such as empowering women, working on an inclusive organizational culture and since 2013 Genk also strives for a gay and transgender-friendly city.
Key focus areas
Long term:
A Rainbow Action Plan 2020-2025 has been drawn up with 8 objectives
- Inform citizens and raise awareness about the LGBT theme
- Increase the visibility of LGBT in Genk
- Further expand the school activities around LGBT
- Gather knowledge and expertise
- Activating and supporting Genk LGBT people and local LGBT groups
- Increasing the safety and security feelings of LGBT people in Genk
- Pursue an inclusive city-personnel policy with attention to LGBT people
- The city of Genk is developing a policy based on intersectional / crossroads thinking
Short term:
In 2023, the emphasis will be:
- Idahot is put in the spotlight every year through an informative and sensitizing offer.
- The professional youth welfare workers receive a training program on the LGBT theme.
- Support and expansion of OGWA, Genk’s gay and transgender group.
- Organize training on gender and sexual diversity in Genk secondary schools.
- Together with the 55+ council and the Service Centers for seniors, we will develop every year an offer around the LGBT theme.
- In the context of visibility, we have rainbow elements in the city: a rainbow pedestrian crossing close to the city hall and a rainbow bench in the city park. Now we want to renew the existing pedestrian crossing.
- Development of a rainbow network Genk in which professional partners help guide and shape Genk’s LGBT policy.

Municipal sectors/services involved
In Genk we want the LGBT policy to be an inclusive story. That is why we work together with as many urban services as possible, and this around all target groups.
(library, sports service, youth service, social welfare, diversity service, neighborhood work, …)
Collaboration with advocacy / interest groups, NGO´s, healthcare
Cavaria: is the Flemish advocate of LGBTI people and umbrella of LGBTI organizations
Regenbooghuis Limburg: the provincial point of contact for sexual and gender diversity and the warm home for the provincial rainbow community.
OGWA: an important network of Genk LGBTs and transgender people, who support the actions within the framework of this policy.
Other cities with an LGBT policy
Other collaboration partners
Residential care centers
Youth organizations