
Description of the city
Esch-sur-Alzette, population 34.000, is the smallest city in the RCN Network despite being the second city of the Grand-Duchy (after the capital Luxembourg). Esch is the former centre of its steel industry and as such has contributed greatly to the wealth and development of the country. Nowadays Esch is the seat of the University of Luxembourg and is moving from industrial heartland towards a city of science and knowledge. Esch is also the city where the only LGBT(I) festival week takes place in Luxembourg (GayMat in early July).
To ensure equal opportunities to LGBT(I) people in their everyday life. To stand against homo- and transphobia in all their forms. To end discrimination, personal and professional, for sexual orientation or gender related reasons.
Focus areas
- LGBT Refugees
- Visibility

Collaboration partners
- Rosa Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l.
- Centre d’Information Gay et Lesbien CIGALE
Brochure Gender & Diversity 4 Kids (in French)