Cork City

“The gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities will be enabled to fully participate in the social, cultural and economic life of the city” – Objective 86 ‘Imagine our Future’ Cork City Development Board Integrated Plan 2002 – 2012
“Promote LGBT equality in Cork City; Continue to promote and support delivery of LGBT Awareness Week amongst Public Sector bodies and State Agencies; Continue to develop links with Cork Pride and deliver an LGBT festival annually.” Actions 7.6, 7.7 and 7.8 Cork City Local Economic and Community Plan 2016 – 2021
For how long has there been a specific LGBT inclusive policy?
Since 2002 and updated in 2016 Local Economic & Community Plan.

Focus Areas
2002 – 2011
Creation of Interagency Steering group to advance Objective 86 of City Development Board Plan; Service Needs Analysis Cork City: Public Agencies response to LGBT Communities
Interagency Group organises first Cork LGBT Awareness Week to coincide with international IDAHOT events – purpose of the week to bring Cork City: its council, public service agencies and communities together, only such week of its kind organised in Ireland. LGBT Awareness Week has become an annual event with increasing support and involvement from public service agencies and city communities
Cork City Council first municipal authority to support calls for Marriage Equality – Marriage Equality definition inserted into National Constitution in 2015 following a national plebiscite.
Rainbow Flag raised in Cork City by Lord Mayor – first civic or public building in Ireland to officially fly the Rainbow Flag
LGBT Inclusion actions included in Cork City’s Local Economic & Community Plan
Production and distribution of LGBT at Work poster – launched by Chief Executive Cork City Council together with business and corporate leaders in the city
Collaboration with City of San Francisco in relation to municipal supports for LGBTI Inclusion and exploring joint application to Rainbow Cities Network as twin cities
Cork City LGBTI+ Inter-Agency awarded Ally of the Year Award at national GALA Awards Oct 2017.
Cork City Council & City and County of San Francisco sign Rainbow Memorandum pledging to work together on LGBTI+ Issues. LGBTI+ InterAgency Group organises a one day #IDAHOT/IDAHOBIT conference as part of LGBTI+ Awareness Week on Ageing and LGBTI+ theme called “Being Gay and Grey” with contributions from Health Service professionals, and national, international and UK LGBTI NGOs.
LGBTI+ InterAgency recognises its allies; individual champions, statutory and community , at City Hall ceremony to open Cork LGBTI+ Awareness Week 2019. #IDAHOT/IDAHOBIT Conference LGBTI+ Allies at Work; a half day conference bring public and private sector employers, unions, HR specialists and workplace Ally Schemes together to share best practise.
Municipal sectors/services involved
Cork City Council Elected members, Cork City Council Executive and Social Inclusion Unit
Collaboration with advocacy / interest groups
Cork Gay Community Development Project, LINC – Advocating for Lesbian and Bisexual women, CESCA – Alliance of 18 NGOs in Cork City, Sexual Health Centre, Cork Trans Peer Support Group.
Collaboration with social and/or health-care and welfare organisations
Cork Kerry Community Health Care, Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection, Tusla (Child and Family Agency, Cork City Partnership – Local Development Company.
Other collaboration partners
Cork Education & Training Board, An Garda Siochana (Police Service), Naval Services, Cork City Libraries.
Which parties will implement the policy?
Cork City LGBTI+ Interagency Steering Group a consortium of all relevant agencies and stakeholders reporting to the Local Community Development Committee of Cork City Council