
Bremen is a cosmopolitan and liberal federal state and is committed to the diversity of lifestyles and sexual identities. Bremen is firmly committed against discrimination and for equal rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, inter and queer (LSBTIQ*) people.
Bremen wants real equality and has set itself the task of removing existing barriers. Bremen wants a
Contribute to a societal climate in which the People, regardless of their sexual and gender identity, can lead an equal and self-determined life.
For how long has there been a specific LGBT emancipation policy?
The Bremen Citizenship (Landtag) decided in January 2014 to develop a state action plan against ho-mosexuality, trans* and interphobia. It was presented in March 2015 and mentions numerous measures in the areas of life stages, diversity of life backgrounds, living environments and anti-dis-crimination.

Collaboration with advocacy / interest groups, NGO´s
The association Trans Recht, the only specific counselling service for transgender people in Bremen, is supported, it advises on psychosocial and legal matters.
Bremen supports the Rat&Tat–Zentrum für queeres Leben e. V. , which represents the interests of lesbian, gay, bisexual, inter- and transgender people. Advice and empowerment of queer people who are exposed to multiple discrimination due to a migration background or ethnicity, e. g. café for LSBT*IQ refugees at the Rat&Tat-Zentrum and further training on the intertwining of racism with hom-ophobia and transphobia.