
The legal and factual equality of LGBTIQ people in the city of Berne in every area of life.
The City of Berne is actively pursuing the equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people. To this end, it extended the mandate of its Office for Gender Equality and created a new project leader position in 2018. The mandate includes promoting equality both within the municipal administration as well as encouraging equal rights in the population at large. The legal and factual equality of LGBTIQ people is manifested in the Action Plan 2019-2022, which specifies measures to promote the equality of women and men and LGBTIQ people.
Focus areas
- Incorporate LGBTIQ issues into all political fields
- Act as a LGBTIQ-friendly employer
- Provide LGBTIQ-inclusive services
- Raise awareness for LGBTIQ matters and provide information and counselling within the municipal administration and to the population
- Collaborate with local and national NGOs active in the LGBTIQ field

Collaboration partners
The exchange of knowledge and expertise relating to LGBTIQ-issues is vital to us. The following list contains collaborating organisations on a national and local level.
National Organization:
Aromantisches und Asexuelles Spektrum Schweiz
Dachverband Regenbogenfamilien
du-bist-du – Beratungs- und Informationsplattform
InterAction – Intergeschlechtliche Menschen Schweiz
LOS – Lesbenorganisation Schweiz
Pink Cross – Schweizer Dachverband der schwulen und bi Männer* TGNS – Transgender Network Switzerland
Schweizerische Konferenz der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten (SKG)
TGNS – Transgender Network Switzerland
WyberNet Bern – Netzwerk für engagierte lesbische Berufsfrauen
Local Organization:
Checkpoint Bern – das Gesundheitszentrum für die LGBT+ Community
queerAlternBern – das Kompetenzzentrum für queeres Altern
toj – Trägerverein für die offene Jugendarbeit der Stadt Bern
Universität Bern, Abteilung für Chancengleichheit
Universität Bern, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Geschlechterforschung (IZFG)