
Description of the city
Amsterdam, the city with room for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender or identity. Amsterdam has a population of 834.713 inhabitants and is the Capital City of the Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands. In Amsterdam live 169 different nationalities and it is also the biggest city in the country .
Since 1982 there is specific policy on emancipation of LGBT persons in Amsterdam. In 1983 discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, political opinion, race, gender or any other grounds whatsoever is not permitted by Dutch constitution.
Amsterdam was the first that city that solemnized a same sex marriage in 2001 in the world.
The goals of Amsterdam are: a safe city, open and international responsible city. A city that stands for human rights and an inclusive city.
The aim of the implementation plan is a high level of social acceptance of LGBTI people. This means having a safe living environment, anchoring the focus on LGBTI in the policies of organisations, and that LGTBI people should be visible and resilient.
Three sub-goals
- Safety: Amsterdam offers LGBTI people a safe living environment.
- Resilience and access: LGBTI people are resilient and are able to cope well in society.
- Visibility and awareness: LGBTI people are visible in the city and the people of Amsterdam are aware of LGBTI themes.

Here is an overview of goals for the departments of the city: safety, care and welfare, youth, education, culture and information, work and economy, healthcare and social services, sports, and diversity and their policy area.
- Safety: A safe social environment for LGBTIs, on the streets and in their neighbourhoods.
- Education: A safe and tolerant school climate with a high level of LGBTI acceptance.
- Youth: Acceptance of sexual diversity and gender diversity among young people, as part of an inclusive youth community.
- Diversity: A tolerant social environment among all LGBTI groups, regardless of background or culture.
- Care and welfare: Care and welfare amenities to be attuned to the needs of LGBTIs: improving access, conduct and well-being.
- Healthcare and Social Services: Healthcare and social services amenities to be attuned to the needs of LGBTIs – improving access, conduct, and health.
- Sports: A safe sports climate, including for LGBTI’s.
- Work and the economy: Room for LGBT people during events and an LGBTI-friendly business and employment climate.
- Culture and information: Permanent visibility of LGBTI people.
Focus areas
Short term:
- Establish and finance a LGBT+HOUSE (it is already temporarily financed by the municipality of Aarhus (1.8.19-31.12.19) and it is on the financial negotiations for 2020-2024.
- Make a questionnaire survey for LGBT+persons in Aarhus about physical and mental health and well-being, loneliness, discrimination, inclusions, hate crimes and that they think about living in Aarhus
- Make debate and information in the media and hold a debate event about LGBT+subjects
- Collaboration with the local LGBT+associations
Long term:
- Debate and information in the locals work units in the workplace “The municipality of Aarhus” about how to make better LGBT+ working lives.
- Better physical and mental health and well-being for LGBT+persons as a part of the health policy 2020-2024
Interest groups
- LGBTI general interest groups: COC Amsterdam and COC Netherlands, International Gay and Lesbian Archive (IHLIA), Lesbian organisation Let’s Be Open, Amsterdam Gay Pride (organisers of the annual Gay Pride), Work Place Pride (LGBT employees network).
- LGBTI migrant/bi-cultural LGBT organisations: Maruf, Respect2Love, Kleurrijk Roze, Connecting Differences, Sex Matters.
- LGBTI senior organisation: Mokum Roze.
- Transgender organisations: TransAmsterdam, Transgender Network Netherlands (TNN), TransUnited.
- LGBT Sport organisations: GUTS, John Blankenstein Foundation.
Other collaboration partners
- Companies, municipalities (national and international), police (Pink in Blue), ministries and research institutes.
- Transgender friendly at work: Declaration of Dordrecht (Amsterdam signed the Declaration of Dordrecht at 30 July 2016.)