Frequently asked

If you have any questions about the Rainbow Cities Network, you will find your answer here.

The Rainbow Cities Network is an organization that recognizes LGBTI citizen’s fundamental rights and acknowledges its responsibility to protect and defend their LGBTI citizens from discrimination. As a member of the RCN, you will have access to a wide range of active and progressive public servants from large and small cities, north and south, west and east. The RCN members work together in the exchange of best practices to act as a megaphone for LGBTI rights.

The RCN is an action-oriented organization committed to amplifying and coordinating city LGBTI priorities. Cities are the drivers of change and were citizens find and build their lives, therefore, cities have the responsibility and duty to protect their LGBTI citizens. 

Boroughs, counties, cities that have an active LGBTI (inclusive) policy within the local administration. 

  1. One-pager (LGBTI policy) you can find the template under resources
  2. One-pager (3 best current practices) for cities that have more than one year an emancipation policy.
  3. Sign the MoU (under resources section)
  4. The 3 aforementioned documents shall be sent to the coordinator to:
  5. Cover the annual fee

The RCN is a self-funding organization by its members and the fees are calculated based on the city’s population.  The fee is a yearly contribution. 

The fee ranges from 1000 EUR to 3200 EUR:

Small cities up to 300.000 inhabitants                          = 1000 euro 

Medium cities with 300.001 – 750.000 inhabitants   = 2000 euro 

Big cities over 750.001 inhabitants                                = 3200 euro 

All members of the RCN form the annual meeting, who appoint a governing board from their midst, this board is appointed for 2 years. Plus a supervisory committed that is in charge to review the financial report at the end of each fiscal year. Additionally, the RCN has a coordinator. 

The board 

The board is composed of a minimum of three to a maximum of five active members of the network. 

The coordinator 

Manages the activities and communications of the network internally and externally, among his responsibilities is to promote the RCN with other networks, speak on behalf of the network, and contact with interested cities. 

The supervisory committee 

This committee is yearly appointed at the annual meeting and it is in charge to review and approved the finance at the end of each fiscal year.