
Here you can find all our resources.


We are proud to present the first “LGBTI policy Guidelines for Municipalities”. The European Commission sponsors this project through its “Europe for Citizens” program. This is a tool that we offer to other local governments to inspire them to make their cities a rainbow city that welcomes and enables the LGBTIQ+ community.

Best Practices

Members of the Rainbow Cities Network contribute to the annual meetings by delivering a so-called one–pager (best-practices), in which the progress of their local LGBTI policies and initiatives is summarized. These one–pagers are the basis for reflection and exchange on certain themes. Delivering a one–pager is part of the application procedure for new members: together with a motivational email, a signed Memorandum of Understanding and information for the website, they are asked to draft a one–pager. The bundle of one–pagers is not updated with every new member, but only 3 times a year. Therefore, cities that have recently joined the Network might not yet be added in this overview. 


International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia.

Statues and By-laws

A summary of our Statues and By-laws.

Annual Reports

Annual reports from previous years.

Templates & Forms

Summary of all our templates and forms.

Annual meetings

This section is for members-only and is protected by a password.

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