By deciding to become a Fast-Track City, Mannheim is sending out a strong signal in the fight against and destigmatization of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STI). Mannheim is also the first German city to implement a special prevention module for young people and HIV risk groups as part of Fast-Track City.

Fast-Track Cities is an initiative of UNAIDS and was launched in Paris in 2014 with the aim of ending the HIV pandemic by 2030.

As part of the network, the City of Mannheim will pursue the goals of the Paris Declaration by striving for improvements in testing options, treatment capacities and anti-discrimination. In addition, Mannheim will also implement a special prevention module for STI education among young people and at-risk groups. This module will be developed and implemented in cooperation with local health facilities, schools and non-profit organizations as well as associations.

City Profile: Mannheim
