Goals: to provide an opportunity to celebrate the diversity and different aspects of lesbian life while also highlighting the challenges and discrimination faced by people who love and live as lesbians.
Target Group: lesbians including women who identify as queer/bisexual/pansexual as well as trans and non-binary queers – depending on the event, other queers and straight allies were welcome too.
Cooperations: with differents NGOs
Role of the City: to run the working group, to pay one of two coordinators, to provide a website listing all activities
Duration: 8 days around the International Lesbian Visibility Day (26 April 2024)
Format: 10 different events were held, each organised by different groups, e.g. quiz night at a local pub, band concert, hiking tour, tour of a lesbian archive, intergenerational singer-songwriter evening, movie night, panel discussion, visit to an exhibition.

Lesbian Visibility Week 2024

City Profile: Cologne