The coordination office for LGBTIQ equality in the city of Mainz has contacted the newly founded association Queer Youth Work in Mainz (QiM) e.V. Initially, short-term goals such as project funding will be the focus of the collaboration in 2024. One of QiM e.V.’s longer-term goals is to open a queer youth center in Mainz.
The coordination office points out that contact should be made with the Office for Youth and Family in any case in order to clarify needs. This has already happened. The association was informed that queer young people or youth groups can speak to the Youth Welfare Committee of the City of Mainz as part of the “Youth Speaks for Itself” format.
Together with the Office for Youth and Family, the city’s coordination office for LGBTIQ equality is planning an event with queer young people as well as interested associations and initiatives from the LGBTIQ area in order to talk to the young people and find out directly about their needs and demands.

City Profile: Mainz