As part of the strategic axes of work of the Council with different sectors of society in the promotion of a culture of equality, non-discrimination and human rights, and based on the history of complaints received by Copred that indicate that 70% of cases of discrimination are manifested in the workplace, of which 11% were for reasons related to sexual orientation and gender identity, on june 21, it took place the “Master class of diversity and inclusion in the workplace for trans people”.
This event had the objective of identifying how discrimination based on gender identity manifests itself in different social environments, such as work, in order to provide diversity and inclusion tools in the workplace. The Master Class was led by: Siobhan Guerrero McManus, Mexican philosopher and humanist consolidated as a defender of the right to gender identity; Natalia Lane, defender of the human rights of trans women and sex workers, and; Diego Martínez, activist, lecturer, workshop leader and promoter of human rights of sexual diversity and trans people.

City Profile: Mexico City