To celebrate the 5th anniversary of the legalization of same-sex marriage in Taiwan on May 24, 2019, the Taipei City Government organized an event on May 25, 2024, under the theme “The Way We Love.” LGBTQ+ friendly organizations and gender equality groups gathered at the Taipei 101 Water Dance Plaza to host a rainbow market. The event featured a series of performances and stories shared by same-sex couples, inviting citizens to join in the celebration and witness the changes and diverse expressions of love over the past five years of marriage equality.
To further support LGBTQ+ couples, the Taipei City Government hosted “The Way We Love: Understanding LGBTQ+ Families” on July 13, 2024, where same-sex couples shared their experiences of building a family and raising children. On August 11, 2024, a LGBTQ+ singles mixer was held to create opportunities for connections, reinforcing Taipei’s status as a city of diversity, equality, and inclusion.

City Profile: Taipei
