On the occasion of the International day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, the city of Paris hosted the 7th edition of the International Prize for LGBTQI+ rights. This year, the jury decided to support Jeremy Clamy-Edroux (national rugbyman openly gay), Shams association (for LGBTI people of North African and Middle Eastern origin living in France) and Bangkok Pride.

On the same day, the city of Paris hosted an international conference “Beyon borders” and 9 speakers discussed struggle and lgtb pathways in countries that criminalize and penalize gender identity and sexual orientation.

To end the day the city of Paris launched the second edition of the Love Ball. In front of Paris Hôtel de Ville, Parisians were able to enjoy 6 hours of free drag shows, DJ sets and performances. No less than 10,000 people turned out, giving the LGBT cause a very high profile!

City Profile: Paris
