

In Mechelen we work hard to create a climate in which it is generally accepted that (gender) diversity is part of who we are as a society. Mechelen is an inclusive city: there is one Mechelen community with 86,000 unique individuals, each with a multi-layered identity. We strive for a warm, LGBTI+- and diversity-friendly environ-ment where everyone can and dares to be themselves. It is a task for every inhabitant of Mechelen to adapt to this new super- or hyper-diverse Mechelen. The city of Mechelen pays attention to LGBTI+ within various policy domains and in communication. In our actions, we strive for a balance between informing, sensitising, empow-ering and sanctioning. We prioritise actions that relate to the intersection LGBTI+ and ethnicity, and actions that have a positive impact on safety in the public space, living together in diversity. We develop these actions in close cooperation with (local and supra-local) partners, experts and associations, such as the Gay and Les-bian Association Mechelen, Queers without Beers, Unia, çavaria, Het Roze Huis, Merhaba vzw, etc. Policy areas we prioritise are: social cohesion, prevention & safety, education, communication (discourse, narrative). For the city of Mechelen, gender equality is a fundamental and unassailable cornerstone of our open and diverse society. The city of Mechelen rejects any form of homophobia and transphobia.


Equal Opportunities is a transversal goal and part of the strategic department offering all city services expertise and support in implementing policy in line with the equal opportunities principles and ambitions of the city. Anti-racism and anti-discrimination is a priority for the city council.

The city of Mechelen actively fights against racism and discrimination. Homophobia and transphobia have no place in Mechelen. We pursue an active awareness-raising LGBTI+ policy and take active action against homo-phobia and transphobia. We work closely with LGBTI+ organisations and bring them into contact with other associations and schools. The police acts decisively against any form of homophobic violence and ensure an adequate reception for victims. We motivate people to file complaints and offer aftercare and support for victims.

Every citizen of Mechelen, regardless of gender identity, expression, orientation, or sex should be able to be themselves, feel safe and move safely in public spaces in Mechelen.

LGBT emancipation policy.

Since 2010 Mechelen pays specific attention to the rainbow community in Mechelen.

Till 2018-2019 it was mainly limited to actions linked to the international day against homophobia and transphobia (17th of May): raising of the rainbow flag at the city hall (yearly), football match between 2 (famous) football clubs, KV Meche-len & Racing Mechelen, on the great market place to raise attention for the rainbow community (2011), the statue of the historical figure, Margaret of Austria, was covered in a rainbow dress for a week (2016), all pre-primary schools in Mechelen received the educational package ‘Lou’ on gender and sexual diversity and we or-ganised a study session for teachers to provide the necessary framework to work with the educational material (2018).

In 2018 and 2019 Mechelen invested in sustainable rainbow elements in public space: 2 fixed rainbow benches, 1 mobile rainbow bench that we use for events and a rainbow zebra crossing. In 2020, the collection of fixed rainbow benches was further expanded: 4 in the villages (Muizen, Walem, Battel, Leest, Hombeek and Heffen) and 4 in the city centre.

From 2019 onwards the city evolved from actions linked to the 17th of May to-wards a LGBTI+ policy within various policy domains and in cooperation with the rainbow community through the LGBTI+ working group. Some of our initiatives we developed so far: in 2021 we developed an educational tool (‘Mechelen kleurt’) to make (LGBTI+) diversity & representation discussable with children; in 2022 we co-organized a silent march to commemorate the homophobic murder of Ihsane Jarfi in 2012; in 2022 we have renewed our gender statement and turned this binary statement (m/v) into an inclusive gender statement (x/v/m); in 2023 the city of Mechelen hosted T-Day, the annual meeting day for trans & non-binary individuals and their communities; in 2023 we organized 3 cultural & sports events dedicated to the rainbow community: Parkpop Pride (29 June), Mechelen Beach Pride (6 August) & IHAM Pride (16 September, focus on LGBTI+); and we developed a podcast where we provide an insight in our LGBTI+ policy.

Collaboration with advocacy / interest groups, NGO´s.

Homo- en Lesbiennewerking Mechelen, çavaria, Het Roze Huis, Queers Without Beers, Wel Jong vzw