
Description of the City

The capital city of Taiwan (ROC), Taipei City is widely regarded as the political, economic, financial and cultural center of the country. It is located in the Taipei Basin in the northern part of the island, consisting of 12 administrative districts. By the end of 2019, Taipei City has a population of 2,645,041 (male: 47.6%; female: 52.4%).  


Gay marriage in Taiwan was legalized in 2019. Before legalization, LGBT rights have been advocated for almost 30 years either by NGOs or by local governments. In 1996, with the first elected president in this country, Taiwan has officially started the process of democracy. At the time, gay and lesbian identities were just about personal, private and sexual issues. However, on the basis of human rights, Taipei City Government has budgeted for supporting LGBT issues since as early as 2000. 

Taipei is the first city in Taiwan or even in Asia where the Gay Pride Parade happened. Also, there is no other cities in the area ever holding gay parades in such large scale. The gay pride parade and official events in Taipei are held every year. 


The city of Taipei has made efforts for more than 20 years to create a non-discrimination and LGBT-friendly environment. Either before or after legalization of same-sex marriage, the city government has collaborated with advocacy groups and entrepreneurs on LGBT rights protection. Our vision is to make Taipei become the most diverse and inclusive city in Asia and in the world.


Recognition for the existence of LGBT community has been one of our priorities in policies. “Action Plan for Creating LGBT-friendly Environment in Taipei” has been carried out since 2010. According to the Action Plan, LGBT-friendly policies has been designed, made and implemented in workplace and labor rights, personal safety, medical resources, education and public life. For example, “Indicators for Gender Equality Workplace in Taipei” encourages employers to build LGBT-friendly workplace. 

Focus Areas

  • Establishing a policy dialogue platform between government and citizens
    The city government convenes LGBT liaison meetings three times per year. In the meetings, LGBT rights advocacy groups are invited to offer insights and expertise based on their practice experiences in the LGBT community. With such assistance and cooperation, the government designs LGBT-friendly policies and resource brochures and LGBT activities are organized with subsidies from the government. 
  • Building LGBT-friendly environment
    All gender restrooms and rainbow landscapes are built around the city. The government raises rainbow flags on the day of the Gay Pride Parade in October every year. 
  • Creating the LGBT FAQ website and hotline
    The website offers LGBTI-related information, such as education supports, medical resources, workplace rights, household and parenting issues, renting and housing problems and so on. 
  • Highlighting the LGBT historical/tourist sites and package tours
    Pointing out the LGBT historical sites includes 228 Memorial Park, Ximen Red House, and GinGin Bookshop. LGBT package tours are designed and published to the tourists from local and abroad.
    Taipei Pictorial, the city marketing magazine designed by Taipei City Government, publishes stories from LGBT community regularly. 
  • Providing LGBT sensitivity training courses and guidelines for professionals and city government workers
    LGBT+ Knowledge Brochure
    Rainbow Family FAQ Brochure
    Diversity & Inclusion in Workplace: Resources for LGBTI Workers and Employers
    LGBT-friendly Guidelines for Doctors and Nurses
    Transgender-friendly Guidelines for Household Workers 

Municipal sectors involved

Gender equality promotion is headed by the Office for Gender Equality, which reports to Mayor’s office directly, and LGBT affairs are charged by Department of Civil Affairs, with all 33 departments involved, mainly on education, labor rights, social welfare, public health, and staff training. 

Publications and other materials

(hyperlinks to websites)

LGBT+ Knowledge Brochure 

Rainbow Family FAQ Brochure 

Diversity & Inclusion in Workplace: Resources for LGBTI Workers and Employers 

LGBT-friendly Guidelines for Doctors and Nurses 

Transgender-friendly Guidelines for Household Registration Office 

Collaboration advocacy groups

(hyperlinks to websites)

Taiwan Tongzhi (LGBTQ+) Hotline Association 

Taiwan LGBT Family Rights Advocacy 

Equal Love Coalition Taiwan 

Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights 

Taiwan Gender Equity Education Association 

Awakening Foundation 

Taiwan Women’s Film Association 

Taiwan Rainbow Civil Action Association 

(Taiwan LGBT pride parade happens on last Saturday in October every year) 

Rainbow Cities Network